01 May 2003
Every time I have sex the condom spilts even with different people. I told my gp and she didnt seem too concerned but this means am not protected against diseases. What going on? I had to have the morning after pill cos the condom spilt, I have had it pervious to that, and since taking it the last time I have had period pains continuosly. My period came 3 weeks after taking it as it was due, but since my period I have had an exceptionally watery, little browny discharge, but seems to get more each day. What is this? I also give a lot water when we have sex, is that ok?
If the condom splits easily, you may need more lubrication, try using ky jelly or any other water based lubricant. Penises do come in different shapes and sizes so some condoms fit better than others; have a look on the condomania site. As regards your discharge, that need checking out either with your GP, or preferably at your local genito-urinary clinic PlayingSafely