Title Life-threatening Allergic Reactions
Author Deryk Williams, Anna Williams, Laura Croker
Synopsis Life-threatening allergic reactions are becoming increasingly common. The condition is called anaphylaxis and the main causes known to trigger attacks are peanuts, shellfish, wasp and bee stings, latex and drugs such as penicillin. Anyone can be at risk and especially those with a history of allergies, for example asthma, hayfever or eczema. This text is aimed at anyone whose life is affected by allergy: long term sufferers; the newly diagnosed; those with a known allergic tendency; parents and families of sufferers; teachers; first-aiders; and health-care professionals.

Easy to understand, and containing important information, the book explains: how to identify the condition; how to recognize the early signs of an attack - and take immediate action; what to do in an emergency; how to limit exposure to the main trigger of your allergy; how to cope with the psychological impact of the condition and the trauma it causes; and what schools and employers need to know.
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Title BMA Family Doctor Series: Allergies and Hay Fever
Author Edited by Tony Smith
Synopsis This is an up-to-date reference source on allergies and hayfever, providing case histories, key points, questions, answers and practical tips for overcoming problems. It includes the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment as well as practical self-help advice and preventive measures. The book is one of a series on a wide range of medical and health issues which covers common complaints and illnesses, such as asthma and heart disease as well as more general health topics, such as nutrition and travel health. Addresses of useful organisations appear at the end of each book.
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Title BMA Family Doctor Series: Asthma
Author Edited by Tony Smith
Synopsis This is an up-to-date reference source on asthma, providing case histories, key points, questions, answers and practical tips for overcoming problems. It includes the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment as well as practical self-help advice and preventive measures. The book is one of a series on a wide range of medical and health issues which covers common complaints and illnesses, such as heart disease as well as more general health topics, such as nutrition and travel health.
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