Title Embarrassing Problems
Author Margaret Stearn, Claire Rayner
Synopsis This comprehensive, accessible reference text offers accurate, informative and practical medical advice on coping with and curing over 80 common, but often embarrassing health problems. Ranging from acne to warts, bad breath to body odour, each topic is explained in depth with accompanying solutions, diagrams and advice centre contact details.
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Title Increase Your Sex Drive
Author Sarah Brewer
Synopsis With the research into every sex drive "booster" - from natural supplements to Viagra - this is a volume which should help couples have a satisfying sex life in a matter of weeks. It explains why your sex drive can fail (stress, alcohol, nutrition, excess weight, drugs, hysterectomy, after having a baby, male and female menopause and prostate problems) and what you can do about it.

Topics include: pheromones - how to make the most of your natural pheromones, and how to use pheromone products; diet, vitamins and minerals - what you should eat and essential supplements; DHEA - how to boost your own production of this hormone and information on supplementation; other hormone supplements, such as HRT; key miracle herbs (Kava kava, ginseng, wild yam, guarana); and aphrodisiacs - what really works instantly and how they can stimulate sexual desire and improve sexual potency.
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Title Contraception
Author Anne Szarewski, John Guillebaud
Synopsis Recent developments in methods of contraception have presented women with a wider range of options than ever before. At the same time, however, scare stories, particularly about the pill, have spread anxiety and confusion.
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Title A Blokes Diagnose It Yourself Guide To Health
Author Keith Hopcroft, Alistair Moulds
Synopsis A comprehensive and easily followed guide for those usually not wanting to visit their doctor. The flow charts tell you if you have a serious problem or just a worry that is easily put aside with the relevant advice.

Men can be such martyrs to their health, bless 'em. They suffer the most embarrassing symptoms in silence, refusing to admit even to themselves that there may be something wrong, finally visiting the doctor saying: "I don't come here very often, so I have a list ..." (handy tip...don't do this.) and then when they are finally diagnosed they curl up on the sofa with the duvet and the cat for a fortnight, groaning in pain and demanding attention from their nearest and dearest because they truly believe they are "dying".

In all seriousness though, men do have a tendency to put off admitting that there may be something wrong, even to themselves let alone to a partner and illnesses can go unchecked with disastrous results. A Bloke's Diagnose it Yourself Guide to Health is a handy little tome that snappily dissects the symptoms of illness and points the hapless man in the right direction by outlining the situations when the symptoms need more attention and the symptoms that can be treated from the first aid kit in the bathroom (there is a difference between a cold and pneumonia, you know, as there is between dandruff and psoriasis.)

A sensible, sound approach to health that should take some of the pain out of illnesses--every home that has a man in it should have one.
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Title BMA Family Doctor Series: Prostate Disorders
Author Edited by Tony Smith
Synopsis This is an up-to-date reference source on prostate, providing case histories, key points, questions, answers and practical tips for overcoming problems. It includes the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment as well as practical self-help advice and preventive measures. The book is one of a series on a wide range of medical and health issues which covers common complaints and illnesses, such as asthma and heart disease as well as more general health topics, such as nutrition and travel health. Addresses of useful organisations appear at the end of each book.
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