Problem page archive
Abdominal Pain
Abnormal hair growth around my nipples
Acne and Birth Control Pills
Acne on my bottom
Am I taking the pill correctly
Bad acne that is all over my face
Bad headaches and occasional loss of sight
Beginnings of piles
Bleeding After Intercourse
Bleeding in between my period
Blood in the semen
Blood on the toilet paper
Blow To The Outside of Right Eye
Boobs have got bigger
Can I get rid if Sebaceous Prominence?
Can I get rid of love bites quicker
Can I get rid of love bites quicker?
Can I lose weight from particular areas
Can sperm enter the female body in any other waythan penatrative sex?
Can't seem to orgasm
Chlamydia re infection
Combined Contraceptive Pill Making My Breasts Tender
Condom splits even with different people
Dangers of Anal Sex
Delay in restarting my period
Diagnosed as having chlamydia
Different Size Breasts
Discharge and bleeding from nipple
Discharge from my nipples
Do I need to be circumcised?
Ear piercing reactions
Eating disorder that is affecting my whole life
Excessive sweating
Feeling sick, tired and irritable
Fissure just inside my vagina
Forskin doesn't retract
Had tonsillitis and still feel run down
Hairy sebaceous prominence
Have I got asthma?
Hayfever is getting worse
Hayfever sufferer
Headaches and been dizzy/lightheaded
High blood pressure
I can't get an erection
I can't seem to orgasm
I don't get moist anymore
I harm myself- I cut my arms and wrists
I have asthma should I have a flu jab this winter?
I have baby fat around my neck but diet and exercise won't get rid of it
I have noticed recently a bit of a belly and my boobs getting bigger
I think I may have another hernia
I think I may have had Bacterial Vaginosis recently
I want to get a sexual health check up
I'm pregnant and want to finish my course
I'm starting to worry about my health
Implanon fitted but feel sick in the mornings
Implanon fitted but feel sick in the mornings
Implanon Getting Me Down
Iregular periods
Irregular vaginal bleeding
Is it safe to swallow semen?
Is masturbating traumatizing my testicles
Is my girl friend pregnant ?
Is my gout treatment making me bleed?
Itch in my pubic region
I've got a belly as if I'm pregnant but I still have periods
I've got gynaecomastia
I've had glandular fever, how long I should leave it until I get close to my boyfriend
Lengthen my 7 day gap
Lips of my vagina is swollen
Lips of my vagina swollen up
Lump on the testicle
My lip keeps randomly swelling up and my skin becomes itchy
My mind wakes up but I feel like I'm paralysed
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